Mr. Carlos Gass was born in Valencia in 1958. He studied guitar at the Conservatory of Music Joaquin Rodrigo in Valencia. Later he specializes in Baroque and Romantic instruments, like vihuela, baroque lute, or romantic guitar and others. he has been a disciple of José Luis Gonzalez for many years. He has taken master classes by H. Smith, P. O'Dette, M Barberá, R Aussel, A. Carlevaro among others, as well as a summer course in the Chigiana Academy of Music (Siena).
He has participated in many music festivals, such as I Ciclo de Música Antigua de Gandía (1990), V siglos de música en la guitarra (Intermusic 1992), Festival Internacional del Camino de Santiago (1992, 1995) Ciclo Canción Barroca (Madrid, Fundación Juan March, 1992, Conciertos de mediodía de mediodía in the same Foundation (2000), Un pulso a la Cuerda (Valencia, Palau de la Música, 1994) IV Ciclo de Música Antigua y Barroca (Auditorio de Villa Real, Castellón, 2000).
He was a founding member of chamber music trio Carmina Instrumentis, which performed numerous concerts, recitals about Música en Cervantes and El Quijote .
Mr. Gass has collaborated on numerous occasions in musical activities developed by the Generalitat Valenciana, highlighting the concert Sobre l’amor y la mort, about the work of Ausias March in Centro Valenciano de Cultura Mediterránea (1997). At the Festival Raízes Ibéricas on la Quinta Santo António de Pombal in Fafe, Portugal 2001. He has given numerous solo recitals vihuela, collaborating with the Instituto Cervantes in Greece, 1999, in Lebanon, 1999 at the American University of Beirut and in the Institución Libre de Enseñanza, Madrid (2007), during the "Homage” to Agustín Andreu philosopher. In 2011, Mr. Carlos Gass closing the Maratón académico por Japón
in the hall of la Biblioteca Hitórica Complutense, (Madrid).
He played a Renaissance lute concert in the Lessinghaus in Wolfenbütel (Germany). He play too the baroque lute, highlighting various concerts monographs on S. L. Weiss, including one played in La Laguna (Tenerife, 1999). He has also recorded music for the BBC on texts by Cervantes for the production Quixot Tales (1995).Currently interprets the vocal music of vihuela repertoire with soprano Carmen Marqués.
Mr. Gass has collaborated on numerous occasions in musical activities developed by the Generalitat Valenciana, highlighting the concert Sobre l’amor y la mort, about the work of Ausias March in Centro Valenciano de Cultura Mediterránea (1997). At the Festival Raízes Ibéricas on la Quinta Santo António de Pombal in Fafe, Portugal 2001. He has given numerous solo recitals vihuela, collaborating with the Instituto Cervantes in Greece, 1999, in Lebanon, 1999 at the American University of Beirut and in the Institución Libre de Enseñanza, Madrid (2007), during the "Homage” to Agustín Andreu philosopher. In 2011, Mr. Carlos Gass closing the Maratón académico por Japón
in the hall of la Biblioteca Hitórica Complutense, (Madrid).
He played a Renaissance lute concert in the Lessinghaus in Wolfenbütel (Germany). He play too the baroque lute, highlighting various concerts monographs on S. L. Weiss, including one played in La Laguna (Tenerife, 1999). He has also recorded music for the BBC on texts by Cervantes for the production Quixot Tales (1995).Currently interprets the vocal music of vihuela repertoire with soprano Carmen Marqués.

The luthier Antonio Aparicio is to whom I owe more gratitude for his teachings, both artistic and human. He taught me the art of building musical instruments.
Mr. Carlos Gass received in 1988 the Award "Empresa joven" awarded by the City of Valencia, for the project El laúd, instrumento para una época, Business Innovation Award. In 1994 presented at the Palau de la Música in Valencia an exhibition of his instruments. He makes an exhibition of Musical instruments in La casa de l'oli de Villa Real, Castellón (1995). In 1997 he participated in the exhibition of musical instruments Intermusic (Valencia). Now, many musicians play instruments of his workshop.